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Kingdom of God Entrepreneur Podcast

Dec 29, 2020

Legendary musician Allan Aguirre continues the conversation explaining his experiences as a Kingdom Entrepreneur. He is known historically as the founder of the original American Christina Punk Band in the 1980's, and was eventually given the title "The Godfather of Christian Punk". He gives shares his background and experiences in life and the music industry which led him to eventually become an author. He currently has 3 books published; The Feasts Unlocked: A Practical Understanding of God's Holy Days (2018); This Thing is Spiritual (2019); and Exodus to Ingathering Field Manual (2020). Each can be attributed to his journey of faith to understand what the Holy Scriptures actually says, versus what modern Christian culture portrays. There are many thought provoking and controversial topics discussed in this two part interview, that will be inspiring to music lovers, business leaders and Christians who want to make a difference in the world around them.

To learn more about Allan or purchase his books: