Oct 6, 2022
In this episode Steven discusses the message of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God based on the concept of being "Born Again" and the metamorphoses that is to take place from it.
15. New Birth (John 3:1-5). Upon repentance, a new order of life opens to the believer in Jesus Christ. Jesus used the figure of “new birth” to dramatically indicate three things: (1) Without new birth, there is no life and no relationship with God (14:6). (2) In new birth, new perspective comes as we “see the kingdom of God” (3:3), God’s Word becomes clear, and the Holy Spirit’s works and wonders are believed and experienced—faith is alive. (3) Through new birth we are introduced—literally we “enter” (v. 5)—to a new realm, where God’s new kingdom order can be realized (2 Cor. 5:17). New birth is more than simply being “saved.” It is a requalifying experience, opening up the possibilities of our whole being to the supernatural dimension of life and fitting us for a beginning in God’s kingdom order.
Hayford, Jack W. ; Thomas Nelson Publishers: Hayford's Bible Handbook. Nashville : Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995
To Purchase the Hayford Bible Handbook*: https://amzn.to/3a1Rlas
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