Jan 17, 2022
In this episode Steven discusses the message of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God based on the 4 Gospels and Acts. This is a very simplistic message continuing the 39 articles explaining the Kingdom of God. 14. Repentance (Matt. 3:1-2; 4:17). The first call of the kingdom is to repentance. The implications of biblical repentance are threefold: (1) renunciation and reversal, (2) submission and teachability, and (3) continual shapeability. There is no birth into the kingdom without hearing the call to salvation, renouncing one’s sin, and turning from sin toward Christ the Savior (Acts 3:19). There is no growth in the kingdom without obedience to Jesus’ commandments and a childlike responsiveness as a disciple of Jesus, yielding to the teaching of God’s Word (James 1:21-25). There is no lifelong increase of fruit as a citizen of the kingdom without a willingness to accept the Holy Spirit’s correction and guidance (Eph. 5:30).
Hayford, Jack W. ; Thomas Nelson Publishers: Hayford's Bible Handbook. Nashville : Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995
To Purchase the Hayford Bible Handbook*: https://amzn.to/3a1Rlas https://www.kogentrepreneur.com *Commissions will be earned as an Amazon Affiliate for all purchases through the link provided.